Featured Original Designs
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K-19 Sharky
K-19 SharkyA new fundamental delta-wing paper "jet".
Optional dorsal fin makes a Fin Sharky.

It's not for everyone though. It's an "expensive" high-performance plane which is quite difficult to produce.

Learn the design and you will be able to create a successful Sharky on at least some if not most attempts. It's fun and challenging to fold. Amaze your friends and add a new dimension to your paper aviation.

K-20 Moth
K-20 Moth
An exotic sport plane. Flys very gracefully at medium speed when well flight tuned. Semi-blunt nose is a great safety and durability feature. Kind of tricky to make but a more fault tolerant design than the K-19.

The K-20 dates back over two decades to when I designed it in elementary school. It makes its public debut in 2001 here on PaperAirplanes.net.

The design presented here is the original one. More recently I've been doing some new developments on it and hopefully will have some more about them here before long.

K-21 Dragonfly
K-21 Dragonfly
A slow flying four winger that slides through the air with good stability in the roll axis, but not so great in pitch. The design allows a lot of variation and is fun to experiment with.

It uses the same basic fold structure to generate the leading rear wing edges as does the K-19. The positions and angles of these folds can be more freely varied in the K-21, so it's good for practice and sometimes if you flub up when making a K-19 you can turn it into a K-21.

Images, Text, and 3-D Forms Depicted © 2001 PaperAirplanes.net